Thursday, May 19, 2005

University Libraries Picnic

Originally uploaded by Rebecca.

Much fun was had by members of our staff who were able to attend the University Libraries picnic. It was a beautiful day, and the food was great!

PS - congrats to Lee who was part of the winning team for the book-cart races!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

New Process for Rush Cataloging

The form that we have been using for Item Requests and rush cataloging is being retired. From now on, when a patron wants an item rushed, please follow these steps:

1) Print the Item Record from the catalog.
2) On the print-out, write the patron's Name, G-Number, and E-mail address.
3) Indicated the Pick-up Location for the item.
4) Fax the print-out to cataloging.

The Fax number for cataloging is taped to the side of the fax machine for easy reference.

Note: Missing Items should be reported to the Circ staff.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Templates for memos and letters bearing the new Mason logo letterhead are now available on the shared drive. These should be used for formal correspondance.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Copier Server- Out of Order

The copier server is back up and running, and Mason Money can once again be used on the photocopiers.

The network which links the copiers to the Mason Money system is currently inoperable. The copiers will still accept hard currency.
I have contacted Print Services at Fairfax and they report that it is a GMU network problem and can not give an estimate of how long this problem will take to fix.