Friday, May 12, 2006

Global and Educational Programs - Fairfax

The Global and Educational Program office in Fairfax sent resumes to our attention for two RAK Dean canidates. These copies will be kept at the circ desk for GMU faculty and staff to review if interested.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Monthly Reports

Monthly reports are due by Friday, May 5th. Circ staff please add your monthly statistics to the ACL report on the shared drive. Reference staff please place your instruction/off desk statistics in my mailbox at circ desk.

Thanks everyone!

Equipment Manuals

All of the equipment manuals are now located in the bottom drawer of the administrative file cabinet at the circulation desk. This includes manuals for the microfiche readers, media equipment, etc. So if you need help with operating any of our equipment you can find a manual in one central location now.