ACL Phone List
The ACL staff phone list has been updated. The file is located on the shared drive under administrative/phone lists. Thanks!
This weblog is designed to facilitate communication between the staff members of the Arlington Campus Library of George Mason University.
The ACL staff phone list has been updated. The file is located on the shared drive under administrative/phone lists. Thanks!
Trovando is a new search engine from Italy that allows you to enter your search terms once, then compare results from all the major search engines by switching from one to the other. Better than that, you can customize it to add over 3000 search engines to the available list! This is informative in showing how little overlap there can be between different search engines. It can also speed up your web searches considerably!
It is my pleasure to announce that our very own Dwayne has accepted the position of Document Delivery Coordinator here at ACL. He will officially assume this role and title on September 9th and is serving as the interim coordinator in well...the interim. Congratulations Dwayne!
Has everyone noticed the new sign board in the lobby near the bookstore?
The agenda for the staff meeting on Thursday is on the shared drive. Please add your agenda items before the end of the day on Tuesday.
Just a reminder, Self-Assessments/Goals for Annual Reviews (for Classified Staff) are due to Page and/or Nancy on MONDAY, AUG. 15th. Don't be late!
In anticipation of Tropical Storm/Hurricane Irene, could everyone take home anything that you care about not spoiling if we lose power?
Hey, everybody!
Who's Who in ITU? Why, it's our very own Rebecca! Check the feature out at
Just a reminder... monthly reports are due to Page and Nancy by the end of TODAY. :)
The Arlington Campus "Fabulous" Orientation will be on August 31st. Please remember to sign up via email for one of the positions we'll need to fill during the event. The event runs from 3pm-6pm, and we'll need *everyone* to pitch in so that we can accommodate the large number of students that will be on campus.
Copies of your travel requests have been put in your boxes up front, complete with my comments about funding.
A help manual is now available at the Reference Desk. It currently contains the draft of the FAQ and some database help documents we've received from vendors. The database help documents can be given to patrons to refer to in their plastic sleeves. If they aren't returned, there is a section in the back of the manual with the originals for making copies.