Wednesday, September 28, 2005


The customer service week Kick-Off is scheduled for Friday, September 30th from 2:30-3:30pm in room 253. All ITU front-line customer service representatives are invited to show up to hear brief remarks from Stanley, get some cookies, play some games, and win some prizes!

PLEASE arrange your schedule to attend if you are able.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

New Student Employee

Please join me in welcoming Mark Wilson, our new student employee.
Mark is an ICAR student who has experience working for the Association of Conflict Resolution in D.C., the U.S. Peace Corps in Senegal, West Africa and the U.S. Consulate in Cape Town, South Africa. Wow!
He will begin working at ACL the first full week of October.
Welcome Mark!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Good News and Sad News

Ok, good news always goes first...
Keith has accepted a part time position with a law firm in the area as a result of his recent interviews for a summer internship. This is great news for Keith and we congratulate him on this achievement in his new career!

The position is 20 hours a week however, which brings me to the sad news : (
Keith will have to bid adieu to ACL as a student employee.
He has however promised to stay in touch and it is with much reservation that he says goodbye.

Keith's last day will be next Monday, September 26th.
Hugs are recommended...
Thanks for all your contributions Keith, we will miss you

We're Famous!

Hey Everyone,

There's an article in the Mason Gazette on the Arlington Campus!

Check it out...

Monday, September 12, 2005

SW Class Wednesday Night

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up-- there will be a Social Work class using our instruction lab from 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM this Wednesday, September 14th. Please refer to the Instruction Room calendar and/or let me know if you have any questions/concerns.


Thursday, September 01, 2005


Thanks everyone for all of your hard work with regard to orientation sessions and yesterdays campus information session!!!

Sept Staff Meeting Agenda

I've started the sept meeting agenda, I left things on that I thought were still relevant. could everyone please start adding your items to the meeting agenda for sept 15th. please have your items on there by the end of monday the 12th, so that it can be finalized and sent out on tues or wed so that you have time to read in advance and form your questions. again, if everyone's ok with this, we'll do the detailed format, so that we can focus on questions, discussion items and our 1-2 guests. Stephen Brooks will be joining us to discuss gifts policies and procedures with us, and then Polly may join us for a Tech Services overview. the agenda is in the usual place on the shared drive. thanks,Page

Monthly Reports

Welcome to the wonderful month of September. Yes, August has passed, but we all still need to write up our monthly reports. Get September off to good start!
Have a great day!