Monday, January 30, 2006

Tax Forms

It's getting close to tax time; so, just a reminder that we'll no longer have printed tax forms available at the library.

Direct patrons to the following sites to download forms:




It's that time again...

Monthly reports are due by Friday, February 3rd. Don't forget!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

(c)2006 Overdue Media LLC, all rights reserved

Thought everyone could use a laugh.

The Commonwealth Health recommends that we should try to laugh more, because it's healthy. has a running comic strip that everyone should check out. It takes place in a public library, but still very funny and I'm sure we can all relate to it. Enjoy!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Parking and Mason Money

Sadly, the post that *was* here about our schedule-printing blues is no longer valid. Please continue to keep tabs on current problems with Mason Money/Printing Schedules so that we can continue to work toward a lont-term solution.



Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Monthly Report Reminder

Hello, all. Here is a quick reminder that your Monthly Reports are due
before Thursday, the 5th of January.

Happy New Year!